Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just a few funny things that happened in the last few days

Jeff says I should blog about this. If you are easily grossed out, then don't read this one.

I was sitting on my bed eating the other day. Lucas(5) comes in and announces that he needs to go poop (like he always does - someone has to wipe his butt). Dylan(8) was in there too. Well Lucas goes in and leaves the door open (the bathroom is attached to my bedroom - remember, I am eating at this point). Well, Lucas has this habit of talking to himself (or someone that noone else sees) while he is pooping. Sometimes he sings, sometimes he talks (and if you know Lucas, you know that anything that child does is done LOUDLY).

Anyway, all of a sudden he goes "OHHHHH, that was a BIIIIIG one momma." I promptly told him that I could do without that as I was trying to eat. He said, "What???? I was just telling you how BIIIIIG it was!!" Meanwhile, Dylan is laughing hysterically!! That made my lunch sooo much better, let me tell ya.

The next one. Anyone that knows Daulton(16) knows that he does not suffer from any sort of self esteem issues. He is handsome and he knows it.

I had gone to lunch with a friend the other day and was relaying a story to Daulton that I had told her. There is this little girl that likes Daulton - and he kinda likes her too. I was talking to him about whether he had kissed her or not. He had not, so I asked him if he felt she wanted to. He was like, "Well, look at me mom. Who WOULDN'T want to kiss me???" So my friend makes a comment about how he really thinks highly of himself. I told him that she said this and he said, "Mom, the world could go on without me..... but it is a MUCH better place with me!" Yeah, nothing wrong with that boy's self esteem.