Friday, July 8, 2011

As I sit.....

here having locked myself in my room, listening to the clanging of dishes in my new sink, I realize what an awesome husband I have. I have, for years, asked him if he just doesn't see the messes that need to be cleaned. Today he saw that I was waaaaay far behind on laundry and he started doing it for me. After I got home from work, I took a nap thinking that would help my outlook - it didn't because I proceeded to gripe at him for leaving the clean laundry all over the living room. As I sat and folded and put it all away, I listened to him making dinner and began to feel guilty. I tried to explain to him that since the house was in such a disorderly state with the remodel, the living room was my sanctuary and I really tried to keep that decent since the front part of the house is such a wreck. Because it too was messy, I was feeling even more overwhelmed and well.... crazy (there I said it, yes I am indeed crazy). I don't know that he understood, but like a good husband does, he nodded and said he understood. So despite the fact that his crazy wife griped at him for not seeing messes and then griped because he tried to help, he is in cleaning the kitchen at almost midnight because he wants to be helpful.

As a side note, I am reminded of a conversation I had with a friend today. I was retelling a conversation I had with my boss about how she shouldn't even try to make all of us girls happy because we aren't all going to be happy at the same time and he said, "Hell most of the time you women aren't even happy when you DO get your way." I agreed with him at the time, but even more so now.

Yes, I have an awesome husband that loves me very much and God willing, I will feel better tomorrow and will be able to mentally handle my life instead of going on strike and letting that awesome husband deal with it all. I was reading a blog a few minutes ago and a lady was talking about the Bible story about Martha and Mary. I am most definitely being a Martha today!

I was just talking to Jeff earlier today about how much God has blessed us with such wonderful kids and how much He has blessed us financially.... yet there I sat griping about something. Shame on me! (sheepish grin)

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