Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nothing can ever be easy around here.

So, the story behind this beautiful birthday cake..... Mom and Dad were coming over on Monday evening for Daulton's birthday cake/party. I got this bright idea to make a special cake for Daulton since he likes strawberry cake. But, I had to work on Monday and knew I wouldn't have time to make the cake when I got back home. So, I started it on Sunday evening. I made the cakes (two layers) and had them on the counter to cool. I was in the little boy's room cleaning (looking for that blasted missing shoe of Logan's) and Jeff comes in asking, "What happened to your cake?" I had no idea what he was talking about. He brought the cake in and part of the middle of one cake was missing - eaten all the way down to the plate. My first thought and words out my mouth????? "LOGAN WYLIE!!!!!!!!!" He comes toddling in with a huge grin on his face - and cake all over it! I almost wanted to cry because I wanted this perfect cake for Daulton's birthday, but we were all laughing too hard for me to cry or be mad. He was just so precious standing there looking at us like "what????" He really loved that cake. So, on Monday since I couldn't finish the cake before going to work, I asked Jeff to finish it for me. My wonderful husband had to go back to the store since I couldn't find the whipping cream I had bought, made the icing, iced the cake, and decorated it beautifully with strawberries. Am I blessed or what? A wonderful 16yo, a hilarious and adorable 2yo, and a very talented (and shall I say handsome) husband. Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful family.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, this is too funny because this same thing just happened to me!!! I blog about my 2 year old (I even wrote about it over on my blog), he got into my cake while it was cooling as well.

    I saw the link to your blog from LF BBC. I'm a one girl all boys house as well, although we "only" have 4 boys. Makes life interesting for sure!
